Restructuring: What the north will not allow – Northern Elders Forum

– The Northern Elders Forum has stated that on the issue of restructuring, the north would not be stampeded into adopting a grand design from other regions, which would not be in its best interest

– The group stated that it however acknowledged the calls for restructuring from various quarters, and stressed that all issues of disagreement could be resolved by dialogue

– According to the NEF, the north will demand a respectful and responsible approach to its participation, in the search for answers to the many questions confronting Nigeria

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has weighed in again on the controversial issues of restructuring the country, and disclosed what it would not accept, Vanguard reports.

According to the group, while they acknowledge the persistent calls for Nigeria to be restructured, they would not be stampeded into adopting a grand design from other regions, which would not be in their best interest. gathers that the group made its position known at a news conference in Abuja on Thursday, September 22. President of the forum, Dr. Paul Unongo, stated: “We wish to reiterate our consistent position that there are no issues of disagreement and demands by individuals and groups in the country or anywhere in the world that dialogue cannot resolve.

“NEF acknowledges that we the citizens of Nigeria are capable of resolving our issues internally.

“The North recognizes and acknowledges that there are demanding and legitimate questions on the current operations of the Nigerian state.

“The North has very clear ideas on all issues and positions that the nation sees as challenges, and is willing to dialogue on all of them. “What the North will not allow, however, is to be stampeded into adopting an agenda and grand designs from other parts of Nigeria, which will hurt its basic interests.

“The North will demand a respectful and responsible approach to its participation in the search for answers to the many questions confronting our country.’’

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