LG autonomy sign of restructuring, says Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari, Thursday, said corruption was fighting back more fiercely than envisaged by his government.
He also said that the passage of the bill seeking autonomy for the local government system was indication that the present administration had commenced the restructuring process.
Speaking at a national workshop on anti corruption organized by the Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON) and Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE), President Buhari who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Ecological Fund office, office of Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Dr Habiba Lawal said “Apparently, it is corruption that led to the relegation of the local government to the grips of the state government over the years thereby distorting and demeaning the real status of our federalism with regards to devolving governance. A once vibrant tier of government, which occasioned development at the grassroots, has gone into oblivion due to obvious reasons.
“The good news is that the disposition of the national assembly in granting autonomy to this very important tier of government is an indication that we have started already to address the question of restructuring which many Nigerians appear to be clamouring for.
“My team and I are waiting patiently to receive the reports from the state houses of Assembly so as to do the needful in the event that the current proposal for the review of the 1999 constitution (as amended ) come to us for consideration and assent.”
President Buhari said the fight against corruption has been daunting and that the outcome has been quite revealing.
“Right from the onset, this administration promised to fight corruption. So far the experience has been daunting and the outcome quite revealing. Despite significant success recorded in recovering severally billions, corruption is fighting back even harder than we envisaged”, he stated.

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